The third project in my Digital Imagery class was research into how digital imagery is used as a social mechanism. This projects are open to interpretation; therefore, I decided to look into how digital imagery is used in educational processes. Specifically, I’m interested in how photographers learn and collaborate (which is also my CSCW research). I did some initial research into the subject and found three interesting categories for which to focus my research further: learning via photos, learning via videos, and learning via audio. For this class, we are asked to submit a 3 page PDF document containing a sketch, a final version, and a page for attributions. Below, you can see a screen capture of my submission. A link to the PDF is provided at the bottom of this post.
Learning via Photos
In the online community DigitalPhotography School, ‘students’are given tutorials and lessons onphotography using example photosand accompanying text. I find thismethod to be very useful for simplephotographic situations. However,as the lesson becomes morecomplex, this method worksless and less.
(image via Digital Photograph School)
Learning via Video
In the online community of Scott Kelby’s Traning, ‘students’ are given lessons on photography, processes, photoshop, etc. using videos. In this method a teacher instructs a class via hands on methods. The student can try along right at home and pause and replay things as needed. I find this method very effective, although it does have a significant time investment involved.
(image via Scott Kelby Training)
Learning via Audio
In the online community of Pro Photogrpahy Show, ‘students’ are given tutorials and lessons via audio podcasts. In this method instructions are verbally given to students (which they can pause and repaly at any time), however no accompanying imagery or text is provided. I find this method to be the least effective in teaching photography skills. (image via Pro Photography Show)