The Interaction Style of Flickr
In looking at exemplars of photo sharing and critiquing sites, I’ve attempted to list out the formal qualities of each particular website. In this post I’ll be specifically looking at Flickr. I’ll list out the formal qualities found throughout most of Flickr, focus in on
Formal Qualities of a Photograph A Comprehensive Guide to the Aesthetic Elements that Make a Photograph Stand Out
Photography Mind Map
My capstone project is dealing with photography critique online. Recently in our Mad Skillz Club we covered mind maps. So, I decided to mind map my capstone topic under the general umbrella of photography. This is merely a tool to help me to better understand
Human Centered Shaving Design
While shaving this morning, I had several “ah ha” moments. I decided to quickly jot these down on my blog for mere entertainment and fun. I’m probably not the first person to think about these things, but none-the-less, here they are for your reading enjoyment.